[TIPS] Hand Sorting
From Ver.4.0.0, several features have been improved or added.This time, let's take a look at the "In-battle hand sorting feature"!
Hand sort button
The hand sort button was added after the Ver.4.0.0 update.
*Its default setting is OFF.
When turned OFF

When turned ON

Various hand sorting settings
You can configure the hand sort button setting and various hand sorting settings from the OPTION menu.
Hand sort button setting

Hand sort order
You can set it so that pressing the button will sort the cards by their cost from the left in ascending or descending order.

Hand sort type
You can set where to place your Extra cards.

Automatic Hand Sorting Setting
You can set the timing of automatic sorting.

Sort your hand during the battle
Before sorting
Press the sort hand button and your hand will be sorted according to your settings.

After sorting

Next time, we will talk about the "Edit HOME" feature!