ドラゴンボールスーパーカードゲーム フュージョンワールド


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  • Q17

    Preparing to play

    July 10, 2024 Updated

    Can you place your deck and reveal your Leader Card in any order?

    No, both players first place their decks on the table, then they both reveal their Leader Cards.

  • Q18

    Preparing to play

    July 10, 2024 Updated

    When starting a game, how should players decide who goes first?

    Rock-paper-scissors and other means of generating a random outcome are all acceptable.

  • Q19

    Preparing to play

    July 10, 2024 Updated

    How many times can a player redraw their hand at the start of the game?

    Starting with the first player, you may return all 6 cards to your deck, shuffle it, draw 6 cards, and add them to your hand again, but this can only be performed once per player.

  • Q20

    Preparing to play

    July 10, 2024 Updated

    Do you have to place the cards in your life in a set order?

    Yes, you do. You place the cards so that the top card of your deck becomes the bottom card of your life, and you must spread the cards out so that the number of cards can be seen.

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