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  • Q286

    FB04-001 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If you only have 1 copy of FB02-015 <Android 17> in your Battle Area and you choose a Battle Card with 30000 power for the target of the [Activate Battle] skill on this card's back side, what happens to this card's power?

    Its original power becomes 30000 and its power becomes 35000 due to FB02-015 <Android 17>'s [Permanent] skill.

    Related Cards

  • Q287

    FB04-001 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If there is just 1 card in your opponent's Combo Area and it has 10000 combo power, what happens to this card's power when you choose an opponent's Battle Card with 30000 power that's in a battle for the target of the [Activate Battle] skill on this card's back side during the Defense Step of the same battle?

    The combo power hasn't been added yet, so this card's original power becomes 30000.

  • Q288

    FB04-003 Obuni

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If you play this card but don't use this card's [On Play] effect to play <Obuni>, can you then play <Obuni>?

    No, you can't.

  • Q289

    FB04-041 Videl

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If this card's [Activate Main] skill reveals a card without《Satan City》 in its special traits, can you play <Videl> for the turn?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q290

    FB04-047 Overwhelming Confidence

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you activate this card's [Activate Main] skill if you have 2 or fewer cards in your deck?

    No, you can't.

  • Q291

    FB04-059 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If your opponent activates [Blocker] on a Battle Card with a cost of 3 or less when you use this card to attack an opponent's Battle Card with a cost of 4 or more, does this card's [When Attacking] skill increase this card's power?

    Yes, it does. The [When Attacking] skill activates before [Blocker], therefore it applies even if the attack target is later switched.

  • Q292

    FB04-077 Majin Buu : Evil

    October 25, 2024Updated

    You use this card's front side to attack and you draw 1 card using its [When Attacking] skill. If this card Awakens in the same turn and it attacks again, can you use the back side's [When Attacking][Once per turn] skill to draw 1 card?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q293

    FB04-085 Babidi

    October 25, 2024Updated

    When your opponent has 6 cards in their hand, they use FB04-093 <Majin Buu : Evil>'s [Activate Main] skill to KO this card, and now they have 5 cards in their hand. Can you then use this card's [When KO'd] skill to make your opponent discard 1 card from their hand?

    No, you can't.

    Related Cards

  • Q294

    FB04-085 Babidi

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Your opponent used FS01-16 <God Kamehameha> when they had 6 cards in their hand, then this card was KO'd when they had 5 cards in their hand. Can you use this card's [When KO'd] skill to make your opponent discard 1 card from their hand?

    No, you can't.

    Related Cards

  • Q295

    FB04-093 Majin Buu : Evil

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you use this card's [Activate Main] skill to KO this card itself and activate the skill?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q296

    FB04-099 Blind Spot Absorption

    October 25, 2024Updated

    When you use this card, can you activate the two [Activate Battle] skills at the same time?

    No, you can't. When you use this card, you must specify one of the skills and then activate it.

  • Q297

    FB04-103 Super Baby 2

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you also use Rest Mode Battle Cards that are in a battle in your Battle Area in combos if this card is flipped to its back side?

    No, you can't.

  • Q298

    FB04-104 Great Ape Baby

    November 08, 2024Updated

    Your opponent has FB03-121 <Bardock> and FB03-108 <Giru> in their Battle Area, then you use this card to attack FB03-121 <Bardock>, and you use the [When Attacking] skill to place your opponent's FB03-108 <Giru> into the Combo Area. Does the [Auto] skill on your opponent's FB03-121 <Bardock> activate?

    Yes, it activates.

    Related Cards

    FB03-121 FB03-108
  • Q299

    FB04-104 Great Ape Baby

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If FB04-113 <Trunks : GT> in your Battle Area is chosen for this card's [When Attacking] skill and it's placed in the Combo Area, does FB04-113 <Trunks : GT>'s [Auto] skill activate?

    Yes, it activates.

    Related Cards

  • Q300

    FB04-109 Son Goku : GT

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If combo power is added to this card and its power becomes 45000 or more, can you use this card's [Permanent] skill to gain [Double Strike]?

    Yes, you can.

  • Q301

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    What does "until the end of your opponent's next turn, negate the next damage you take" in this card's [On Play] skill mean, exactly?

    When you would take damage after your Leader loses a battle or from FB01-139 <Son Goku>'s [Auto] skill, etc., that damage is negated, but only once.

  • Q302

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Your Leader lost a battle with an opponent's Battle Card that has [Double Strike] while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect. How much damage does your Leader take in such cases?

    The damage is negated when you lose a battle with a card that has [Double Strike], the same as when you normally take damage.

  • Q303

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    If this card is played again while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect, are the next 2 instances of damage negated?

    No, they aren't. Only the next single instance of damage is negated.

  • Q304

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Does the [Auto] skill on FB03-001 <Jiren>'s back side activate if you take damage while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect and the damage is negated?

    No, it doesn't activate. When the damage is negated, it doesn't count as receiving damage.

    Related Cards

  • Q305

    FB04-129 Son Goku

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you activate the [Activate Battle] skill on FB03-009 <Jiren> while this card's [On Play] skill is in effect?

    No, you can't pay the skill cost, so it can't be activated.

    Related Cards

  • Q306

    FB04-130 Vegito

    October 25, 2024Updated

    What happens if this card is removed from the Battle Area while you have 0 cards in your deck?

    When this card is removed from the field, you immediately lose due to rule processing.

  • Q307

    FB04-130 Vegito

    October 25, 2024Updated

    Can you activate this card's [Activate Main] skill when you have 4 or fewer cards in your deck?

    Yes, you can. In such cases, you place as many cards from your deck into your Drop as possible.

  • Q334

    FB04-130 Vegito

    January 24, 2025Updated

    You have 0 cards in your deck and this card in play, and you don't lose the game due to the [Permanent] skill. Do you lose the game if your life becomes 0?

    Yes, you will lose the game. This card's [Permanent] skill only prevents you from losing the game when you have 0 cards in your Deck Area.

  • Q337

    FB05-030 Son Goku

    March 07, 2025Updated

    The [Activate Main] skill on FB04-026 <Son Gohan : Adolescence>'s back side has activated, you have 20 cards in your Drop, you play this card, and you choose "・If you have 20 or more cards in your Drop, during this turn, the next time you use an Extra with a cost of 3 or less from your hand, you don't have to pay the cost" for its [On Play] skill. Can you use FB04-047 <Overwhelming Confidence> without paying the cost?

    No, you can't.

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